Special archery seasons close when the earliest regular season opens for the hunt area opens. Colorado is a great place to hunt big game animals in addition to elk. Other Specialty Weapon Only (excluding archery). Cattle is Wyoming's largest commodity. Not sure what the Kaycee area got or is getting in the way of weather. There are hunting opportunities on public lands in Wyoming, with the exception of closed areas for safety reasons and areas designated as wildlife habitat management areas. Several bull units are plentiful near the boundaries of Yellowstone National Park in Northwest Wyoming, and some of the states largest bulls have been bred there. Similar to unit 87, hunters can expect bucks in the 130-160 range, as well as bucks on private land. Thankfully, his luck held, and he walked away from the incident unharmed. Application Deadline: June 1 View our Non-Discrimination Notice. All Elk Hunt Area 75 and 79 (Grand Teton National Park) hunters, regardless of age, must possess and exhibit a valid hunter safety certificate. At the end of October, three rifle seasons are available, lasting approximately a week. License Limitations: Antlered mule deer or any white-tailed deer Other units to keep an eye out for include units 77, 78, 80, and 114. Messages. My dad is going back out there with the same guy, but I believe they are going to hunt Region C? This local gene pool has produced legendary bucks like Popeye, Morty, and Goliath. any one ever hunt area 36 in regoin M in wyoming. We where out in Unit 56 last fall for an elk hunt which is in region F. just looking for some info from people that have drawn this tag in the past or are . Jul 17, 2012. (435) 510-5847 - (801) 655-5484. BG Hunter; Sep 25, 2012; Replies 2 Views 5K. I could be wrong, but I think all Mule Deer hunting in Wyoming has closed. (apply for: REGION F GENERAL) Hunt Area: 106 Season Dates: Oct. 1 - Oct. 24 License Limitations: Antlered mule deer or any white-tailed deer Quota Type: LIMITED QUOTA FULL PRICE License. We hunted it the last 2 years and did ok, not going to put in for it this year. I understand this is an old thread, but want to reply anyway. If you meet the Armed Forces/Wyoming Peace Officer exemption requirements or you have obtained special 1 year authorization through the Hunter Mentor Program, you are exempt from hunter education. It gets closed during the winter once the snow really starts getting deep up there and 14 is the only way across the northern part of the mountains in the winter down through Shell. I was Drawn for a Region f Genral Mule deer tag. California, Mendocino County190 typical Columbia blacktail deer in B&C records 3. sp. Here at NTO we took the fewest number of mule deer hunters in our 21 year career. Reply. If you hunt it, I strongly suggest you have a good 4x4 with 10 ply tires and chains (just in case there is moisture during your time there), a good camper or tent to weather out a sudden storm, plenty of extra gas, as well as food, etc. Quota Type: LIMITED QUOTA trophy-class bucks can be found in abundance, but it takes a lot of perseverance to find them. . The limited entry units 87 and 89 are home to some of the best mule deer hunting in the state. A hunter here should be looking for a nice four-point buck in the 22-27 range. View call direct. For these license types, there is limited opportunity to harvest a deer on accessible public land. Leaning towards region f as of now, but still researching other places. All Elk Hunt Area 75 and 79 (Grand Teton National Park) hunters, regardless of age, must possess and exhibit a valid hunter safety certificate. Armed Forces/Wyoming Peace Officer exemption. Region M really doesn't have anything remote enough to do what you're talking about as the east side is what we would still consider the foothills of the Bighorns with elevations no higher than about 8,000' and it's almost all private land on the entire east side of that Region. Interesting bolle-center information. The hunt in 102 has benefited from a very reduced tag quota. A group of three bucks was discovered by Josh, Jared, Allen, and Justin during their scouting mission on Saturday. In those central units we will be able to get roughly 5 miles in before we hit the wilderness area. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Most hunters will see plenty of younger bucks but may struggle to find the older mature survivor bucks of the brutal winter of 2016. Report a violation, ONLINE STORE Quota Type: GENERAL This general deer region is comprised of the following deer hunt areas: 164, 35, 39, 40, for more information about the individual hunt areas, please click on the more info links . FULL PRICE License. You hear it every year, and this one is no different, Wyomings deer herd is in pretty rough shape and that has not changed for this year. Wyoming hosts both mule deer and white-tailed deer. Quota Type: LIMITED QUOTA We where out in Unit 56 last fall for an elk hunt which is in region F. just looking for some info from people that have drawn this tag in the past or are knoledgeable about the area. WYOMING WILDLIFE MAGAZINE - SUBSCRIBE TODAY! With only 50 deer tags available and a very generous season during the first three weeks of November, this hunt is pretty hard to deny as a great option for a big buck. Up by Windy mountain, there were some descent bucks in there, never hit a good snow storm though. Nov 3, 2017; Thread Starter #3 OP . On larger-bodied mature buck mule deer, ear spread has typically been around 23-24 inches. Cody, Wyoming. Draw Results Available: June 20 Citizen Interesting country there, very arid. The crew is the first to take a public land muley trip. The majority of winterkill in Wyoming occurs in late spring, when the animals are most stressed. ADD ON SPECIES . Reduced Price Landowner Doe/Fawn Youth**: $34.00. Plan on a couple days of scouting before hunting - find the deer first, then hunt 'em. This is a backpack archery mule deer hunt in the backcountry of the Bridger National Forest. They can be found in all 23 counties in the state. Check the weather reports. Hunted Antelope in 2017 - saw that the deer like to hang out in certain areas. After butchering the two bucks, it was time to sit back and relax before going home for the long drive. If you choose to sit on water holes frequented by deer, you are likely to try spot and stalk techniques. I was Drawn for a Region f Genral Mule deer tag. Wyoming Mule Deer Region F. Jchristians; Oct 11, 2022; Deer; Replies 3 Views 715. You are using an out of date browser. Government Matted and framed, overall size is 12 x 10 inches. Drive-In Camps. Type 3 licenses are only valid for (any) white-tailed deer, and do NOT permit mule . Hunt Area: 105 Contact: ph: (307) 777-4600 Pingback: Guy Eastmans Top WY Mule Deer Areas 2020 Eastmans Official Blog | Mule Deer, Antelope, Elk Hunting and Bowhunting Magazine | Northern Virginia Small Business Marketing, Pingback: Guy Eastman's Top WY Mule Deer Areas 2020 - Eastmans' Official Blog | Mule Deer, Antelope, Elk Hunting and Bowhunting Magazine - Florida News, Pingback: B3 Hercules Duffel - Rugged Security, Organization by Eberlestock - Eastmans' Official Blog | Mule Deer, Antelope, Elk Hunting and Bowhunting Magazine | Eastmans' Hunting Journals. You are using an out of date browser. you know much about the other regions i ask about? Location. 9) Area-34-1: With some very gentle sagebrush country and plenty of deer to pick over, a hunt in this area can be a very good option for not overly experienced mule deer hunter or an older hunter wanting to get out and get after a good four-point buck. B. F. Wyoming region A. FlareBlitz91; Jun 26, 2022 . 7,070. Applicants less than eighteen (18) years of age and at least eleven (11) years of age at the time of application may apply for a youth license and remit youth fees. Shop WGFD Merchandise, STATE OF WYOMING More hikers/hunters and fewer deer, and the deer that we saw were not anything big. In the table of tentative deer hunting season information for this coming year, some license types are denoted with an asterisk (*) as having difficult public access. I find it very hard to deny this hunt purely based on its reputation and track record for big mule deer. Season Dates: Nov. 6 - Nov. 17 The 25-point buck was the state record for velvet mule deer taken in Wyoming and set the record for the most points taken. B & C has received 172 mule deer trophies from Colorado since 2010, a total of 172 trophy trophies. We were able to harvest several of the amazing bucks we had located from scouting. Brenton96 . 7) Region-G: The outlook for Region-G this year is mixed to say the least. Modify & Withdrawal Deadline: May 31 Special archery licenses are available to purchase in our electronic licensing system. Plan your Wyoming big game hunt. View our Non-Discrimination Notice. Located in the southwest corner of Wyoming near the Utah border, this longtime outfitter is operating on approximately 100,000 acres of prime real estate! This area is known as a buck factory with very solid mule deer habitat. In the limited draw, residents can apply for a license, and in the case of an unsuccessful application, they can purchase a general license from the store. Hunt Area: 164 Gen1: Read Johnny Kean above. Moose can be hunted in the Best of the West from September 15th to October 31st. Quota Type: LIMITED QUOTA Price. Reduced Price Landowner Doe/Fawn Youth**: $34.00. GAME & FISH COMMISSION One of the only units with 100% draws odds for the early rifle season. coordinates via georeferencing. It was in the ballpark of 12 inches around my tent when I made the executive decision to leave while I could still get out. Messages. 1,489. Heading out hunting tomorrow looks like it's gonna get cold but I was curious if anyone has been out and willing to share reports. Report a violation, ONLINE STORE All Mule Deer Hunts Currently Booked Full Through 2024 Big Horn Outfitters offers excellent mule deer hunting opportunities in Wyoming Game and Fish regions: C & Y. About Wyoming Game & Fish, STOP POACHING With a nine-point draw and a very high success rate this hunt is a good hunt for a nice 20-26 buck deer. Government With a nine-point draw and a very high success rate this hunt is a good hunt for a nice 20-26 buck deer. View our Non-Discrimination Notice. Not sure where u are getting 73% draw odds from. Marian and Dennis Butcher have had unusually frequent visits in their yard from moose and mule deer: A cow moose and her second-year male calf have been sampling willows and buffalo berry twigs.A . It's too bad you got that tag BEFORE doing some homework, as you have gone about things completely backwords! The 2022 mule deer season, as always, was a great privilege that came with plenty of adventure and challenge. DanMan. FULL PRICE License, Hunt Area: 105 Business We hunted there a few years probably 4 years ago. Each state is unique, with its own challenges, advantages, and disadvantages. Check the weather reports. B. Wyoming Region R Deer. Archery Season Limitations: Doe or fawn white-tailed deer No person born on or after January 1, 1966, may take any wildlife by the use of firearms on land other than that of his own family, unless the person possesses or can demonstrate they have obtained a certificate of competency and safety in the use and handling of firearms. Saw one guy that killed a smaller 4x4 on the BLM. Swarovski ATC 17-40x56mm Spotting Scope Review. The famous Region G, aka Salt River range, has been producing 200" B&C bucks for many years. Colorado Mule Deer Hunt. The minimum age to take any big game or trophy game animal is twelve (12) years of age. Good News for Wyoming Non-resident Hunters, 10 Most Common Big Game Violations: Part 2, Hunting Big Bucks Deer Hunt with Ike and Guy Eastman, Guy Eastmans Top WY Mule Deer Areas 2020 Eastmans Official Blog | Mule Deer, Antelope, Elk Hunting and Bowhunting Magazine | Northern Virginia Small Business Marketing, Guy Eastman's Top WY Mule Deer Areas 2020 - Eastmans' Official Blog | Mule Deer, Antelope, Elk Hunting and Bowhunting Magazine - Florida News, B3 Hercules Duffel - Rugged Security, Organization by Eberlestock - Eastmans' Official Blog | Mule Deer, Antelope, Elk Hunting and Bowhunting Magazine | Eastmans' Hunting Journals, Wyoming Passes 90/10: The Worst Article Youll Read This Year, More Costs Headed Your Way in Wyoming-Maybe. Quota Type: LIMITED QUOTA Aug 20 - Sept 16. Hi Matt, customer service just sent you an email as well. Wyoming State Parks, CAREERS This would be another very solid hunt for an older group that might have some trouble humping the mountains after bucks. Wyoming's $5.3 million mule deer project. The minimum age to take any big game or trophy game animal is twelve (12) years of age. It allows the user to view boundaries, facilities, etc in a 3D format. Archers who wish to hunt in the special archery seasons shall possess a general (if applicable) or limited quota license in addition to a Special Archery license in order to hunt during the special archery season. D. W. Wyoming Region . I've been doing most of my research in unit 142 along. any info please. A special authorization issued to an individual shall be valid for one (1) year from the date of issue and shall be in the possession of the recipient at all times while in the field. 7) Region-G: The outlook for Region-G this year is mixed to say the least. Because of the severe weather we had in Wyomings west last winter, I will not be living in these units for the next couple of years. Discover one of the oldest dude ranches in Wyoming. The mule deer outlook in Wyoming remains somewhat bleak. Season Dates: Oct. 1 - Oct. 24 An applicant may apply for any big game or trophy game license if he/she is eleven (11) years of age, but must be at least twelve (12) years of age when hunting. Special archery licenses are available to purchase in our electronic licensing system. Archery Season Dates: Sep. 1 - Sep. 30 Both lie near the boundaries of regions G and H, which allow us easy access and the ability to hunt the best areas in Wyoming for trophy mule deer. This area is known as a buck factory with very solid mule deer habitat. Resident guides simply need to register at any Game and Fish office. This region is rough, rugged and remote but also has a solid reputation for big deer that is hard to overlook on any given year. In the country, there are more than 280,000 mule deer, more than any other state. Josh and Jared connected on two bucks while the third buck did not. New posts Search forums. For example, nonresident Region B Licenses are valid in Deer Hunt Areas 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 21, which are open to general license hunting. As of November 1st, a hunt in Wyoming in units 105, 106, and 109 (apply for 105) will be available. View our current jobs, PRIVACY POLICY Hunt Area: 35 Hey guys, I'm wanting to hunt wyoming this year for mule deer. C) Photograph of two deer. License Limitations: Antlered mule deer or any white-tailed deer A recommendation for those that decide to hunt western Wyoming is to come with realistic expectations on what this hunt is still able to produce. In Wyoming, there are several private hunting preserves with the majority of whitetail deer and mule deer on them.