Boy what a ride Alicia! I have memory loss, trouble concentrating, I cant do things I used to do, I have no motivation to do the things I need to do, no appetite and have been drinking so much water. Many people who don't have tools are feeling the Shift and responding to it with despair. Fullness in ears (like high altitude on a plane or water in your ears) 7. When you close your eyes, you see redness rather than darkness. Sending you lots of love and blessings , I went through that list of symptoms and my score was 0 out of 31 ! The Ascension process, the activations, waves and energy shifts cause ascension symptoms that manifest as physical and emotional stress. Moving your body can feel like a chore. I am. STAY WOKE . I can feel my third eye and my chest feels different but not palpitations is more of a sensitive feeling. Notice what is graceful and kind. The interchanging and entwined Alchemical Process is a wonder. Nonetheless it's an intense ascension embodiment side effect and so far into 2020 Phase 2, it's obviously next-level energy-wise. After reading this article, I believe I am in the middle of the journey. We are helping you. As I wrote in a previous comment. Our recommendations on other lightworker sites. We hope you found something here that sparked your interest and assists you in your awakening journey. These are known as Ascension Symptoms. Seeking the advice of a professional is always a wise thing to do when one is unsure or concerned or needs information. I can hear it even when it isnt filling my head. Oh wow this answers a lot. The above 5D ascension symptoms are just some of the signs to look out for. But in addition, an excess of mucus can be a physical manifestation of the intense release of debris from your whole being. First off my whole body has sort of reconstructed itself. (Jesus through Linda Dillon, Heart Call, Sept. 19, 2020.) Here are some exercises that may help: Use the Grounding Cord. Collect up the energy/color with the Rose, then move the Rose outside your energy field and explode it.- releasing all that ache. Your environment has a new effect on you, as you learn that everything has a vibration. If you find yourself asking these questions, theres a good chance youre experiencing ascension! Flu-like symptoms. When ascending to 5D, you may experience some manic episodes. And if there is no truth, there will not be peace and [peace], Sweet One, is the Plan. >Dizziness, loss of balance, back and neck pain, ringing in the ears, "gritty" eyes, and blurred vision >Heart palpitations with difficulty in breathing >Headaches >Crying about anything >Not remembering the meaning of anything >You don't feel like doing anything >A loss of desire for food >You 'know' or sense that something is happening/changing. Panic attacks are common for people who are ascending based on the uncertainty they face in their journey. Seeking information is Light Work. You could develop an attraction to new colors based on their psychological meanings. I just need to clean up my diet and exercise my body more and I should be okay. ), Responsibility begins with the willingness to take the stand that one is cause in the matter of ones life. I want to be alone more and become immersed in thought. Read: Just like youre doing now, read and educate yourself when experiencing more severe ascension symptoms. Dizziness. You disconnect from the 3D reality and have long episodes experiencing 5D. What is wrong with me ? The purpose and intent of this is anchoring higher light and activating the Ascension Timeline on Earth now. It made me nauseous as if to say my soul could tell she didnt really like me. Stress and pressure, feeling like you are in a pressure cooker. You might also feel butterflies in your tummy or slight discomfort at intervals. In rare cases, people shed their old skins during ascension. Feeling toothaches after a dentist has issued you a clean bill of dental health can be a symptom of 5D ascension. You have more of a journey than that ahead of you, and that is as it needs to be. How to treat it. The views expressed in the articles are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the perspective or beliefs of the Era of Light staff. I am utterly perplexed and frustrated as a result of all this. And I pulled away from her . The past 12 months - energy ascension Living with a 5D influence for over 12 months now, has been accelerating everyone's energy.For indeed, when you're aware of and working with your spiritual reality (the fifth dimension of light) you accept 'change' as being a fundamental foundation of spirit - of who you are. Be. Your ascension journey can therefore feel very lonely at times. The Ultimate Guide 2023. However lately Ive become super sensitive to nature and even cry when its something beautiful, feel so disconnected and alone at times but I feel that what Iam feeling is right for me. People who are ascending feel drawn to nature. Sleep patterns change as we are re-calibrated energetically at night. Thank you. Its like being on a rollercoaster. It seems that most people who begin the shift into a . Doctors ran numerous test CT scans MRIs , X-rays, and blood work. Before leaving she gave me a hug. Congratulations! Just pretend and imagine them opening in any fun way that works for you. My vision has improved to where I dont need glasses. My husband doesnt really believe in this, so I worry about him, but he may already be there because of just how he is and what attracted me to him in the first place. Imagine the ache as a color. I seriously thought I was losing my mind. This can also include a shift in your eating preferences, aromas you enjoy, and music selections. A restaurant that is my favorite place to eat for many years, I didnt know how to get there. Focus on your breathing; it helps with panic attacks. My body feels like I have weights attached to all the limbs and I feel achy all over. Its different for everyone. Feeling overwhelming love for all of humanity, the planet, your existence. I start sweating like crazy which wakes me up. The overwhelming need for expansion of . She even asked why I was coming to see her because all the tests came out perfect. Ascension is the process of spiritual awakening that moves you into a higher level of consciousness. How to INSTANTLY SHIFT YOUR FREQUENCY \u0026 ASCEND FAST: is your hub for all things SPIRITUALITY, ASCENSION, 5D new EARTH:--------- SUBSCRIBE to EARTH1111 YouTube channel NOW ---------------------- FOLLOW on INSTAGRAM @earth.1111 -------------- Use the Rose Tool. Your experience is a rule of thumb intense at the beginning of your ascension, but it becomes easier with time. Having 47 of the signs of a starseed! Im definitely going through this and have been for awhile. LOL Wow. Those people and that energy may have been in your space for a very long time. I have been having several of the symptoms you list here. Law of Attraction. Your five sensory organs (smell, touch, sight, hearing, and taste) work at their greatest capacity. You may feel cold immediately afterward. Saul Through John: Love in Action is being Massively Demonstrated all across Planet Earth. You are reducing the density in your body. For the most part Ive always woke up around 2-4 am. You might find it helpful to imagine the ache as a color. Get afree numerology readingtoday to help get yourself on the right track. Pathway to enlightenment . Spin your fields. Symptoms that may also be connected to the third eye chakra. Sometimes I wish I had Someone to talk to, but Im grateful nonetheless for each phase. Ascension is a completely natural and universal evolutionary process. Many intuitively switch to a plant-based diet while becoming farmers or florists. In the process of adjusting to a higher frequency, your former character is tested against the person youre becoming. Listed below are physical symptoms of ascension you may experience; Head You might experience headaches Feel dizzy Feel Lightheadedness Ears Popping or air pressure changes Hear ringing or buzzing sounds Earaches Body Pain Back pains, especially mid-lower sections Experience joint pains, Shoulders and knees Feel like you are in your golden years It is as if you are now suddenly running 210 volts of electricity through wires designed to only allow 110. During the ascension process changes are occuring on all levels of your being. Dont worry, though; youll get through it. Physical symptoms Body discomfort, pain, and aches. Our recommendations on other constructive news sites. Dont be so hard on you. You are becoming a being that holds higher, faster frequencies of consciousness. In the meantime, the following questions outline some typical symptoms that people have been reporting. I help lightworkers step into their power and soul mission. The best solution I have found to date is to relax, enjoy yourself, and know that this readjustment phase will be over soon. Glad to have found this, as Im not sure whats happening to me right now Ive been having awful episodes of panic when doing peoples hair at work and Im dizzy all the time, Im feeling really ungrouded and keep get little shops on different areas of my head. repeat that out loud if you ever feel any lower vibrations creeping in on yourepeating this mantra will help with those panic attacks and anxiety-filled moments,or any time fear or doubt might try to creep up on you.I plus it is true and you need to know!! You might feel wildly happy one day and depressed the next. A very unusual but related ascension symptom side effect is that hair and nails may start growing at a faster rate; damage related to the 'hair or nails' may be repaired at a more rapid pace than normal. Ascension awakens your inner creative juices. Crazy bc I worked so hard to be a nurse but now I often want to work for myself. If this is true, then you may be undergoing 5D ascension symptoms. Ascension symptoms are highly individual, Some have almost no symptoms while others feel chronically sick. And Im scared. But im also reading Downloads from the Nine. Your knees might knock, and you could feel jittery. Im working on that. Your ego is losing its hold on you and is afraid. When I send positive energies or love from the heart I feel an overwhelming love, satisfaction and visualize the love going into the universe in droplets. This is the message I receive. With all the transformations occurring inside you, it is natural that youd feel pressure! Ascension makes you appreciate the need for harmony in the world. I have experienced many of these symptoms and others I can not explain. If your forehead is hot it could be ascension flu, which feels like the normal flu many people get when they catch a virus. The content is based on a combination of life experiences and years of knowledge gathered through online research. Being in places like parks, beaches, waterfalls, etc., appeals to them. As you continue on your journey, you will assimilate and master the symptoms faster. You are becoming a being that holds higher, faster frequencies of consciousness. Use this method intentionally and in a focused way during your daily meditation. When this occurs, youre releasing blocked energy from your joints. (Archangel Michael, Personal Reading, June 17, 2020. For questions, feedback, and suggestions you can email us: Bumps behind your ears (on one side or both) 5. Losing track of "time". I am so excited! This symptom is symbolic because you're considering a big change or move forward in your life, but it's so scary that you get stuck emotionally. Im basically a vegetarian now. Many people deal with migraines during their ascension. You acquire a superior insight into life, unlike the average human being. Also, read books and articles about others ascension to get inspiration. Your sixth sense comes alive during ascension tap into it! After I saw my first little boy that wasnt there it really stressed me out and I could not stay asleep past 45 minutes after seeing this vision. Filed Under: Ascensionitis, Bodily Changes, Body and Lightbody, Commentary, Transformation. Spiritually awakened people operate on energy vibrations that vary based on dimensions. And I have had heart palpitations also like Im anxious out of no where. Sending you lots of love and blessings . Theres a surge of energy at the peak of ascension. This is often called 5D Earth or New Earth. And, of course, putting your attention on anything will only amplify it. In other words, places that Ive been to several times dont look familiar anymore. It is as if you are now suddenly running 210 volts of electricity through wires designed to only allow 110. Were in it together tummy aches, headaches me strange bowel movements, spot in the right side of my eye, both of us have ears ringing strange dreams very vivid myself not wanting to have certain people around me or visiting our house! Do you suspect youve started your journey to 5D ascension? Be sure to use this tool even if you dont have a headache. Len Satov Creation, preservation, transformation = love building, love preserving, love dissolving = inbreath, pause, outbreath = rajas, sattwa, thamas (gunas) = Akar, Ukar, Makar (Aum) = Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva (Trimurthy). 18. This is leading to ascension symptoms as our DNA is being upgraded. NEW 5D ASCENSION SYMPTOMS 2020 - Are you feeling these BODY CHANGES? I had the ear ringing for a year straight!!!!!! Take time to discover your new self and explore your emerging interests. UNIVERSITY OF IOWA HOSPITALS &CLINCS. I never used to suffer from headaches, but this past year, Ive been getting them as often as twice a month. All beings are birthed directly from the Heart of One. However, like with everything in this reality, we can never know for sure, so exercise your own discernment and only take on as truth that which resonates for you as truth. The journey from 3D to 5D often takes a toll on both your body and mental health. Here are two possibilities: Firstly, the energy is not yours but is coming from those around you. Many can rest in the knowledge that they are being transformed in ways that may feel extremely hard on the physical body. I feel ageless, however Im in my 7th decade in this lifetime. . I pray every day that my weirdness doesnt offend anyone as I know this is very much the shadow work that is necessary!