Using bullets from Hornady V-Max. The store will not work correctly in the case when cookies are disabled. Right click to view background image for more detail. Keep up-to-date on new products, Find load data for Winchester 748 propellant by clicking the button "Loads for this Powder".More about this powder:Wincheste. Excellent Powder . The low-flame temperature extends barrel life compared to other similar speed powder. All right are Reserved Reload Ammo, Reloading The .45 ACP (Automatic Colt Pistol). Oliver Fisher Winchester was an innovative and driven man who saw the future of firearms and built an industrial empire around the lever-action rifle. May 18, 2017. We continue to prioritize our shipments to our traditional sales channels to maximize powder availability at retailers. Win primers, .005" off lands. Pet Loads and Handloader are registered trademarks of Wolfe Publishing Company. Nosler offers six .204 bullets that include a 32-grain Ballistic Tip Lead Free, a 34-grain flatbase hollowpoint, a 32-grain. With just a few factory rounds left over from a varmint shoot, they were checked for velocity from the CZ 527 rifle and averaged 4,316 fps. I plan on loading some up in the next few days and hopefully will get to try them out pretty soon. For example, when developing other data not included here, IMR-4064 powder was used, and it performed fine. Safety Data Sheets include all information relating to product composition, safety, handling and storage. Cu MIX za . Learn More. Tis is death on anything I have touched with it inside 400 yards including coyotes and further on prairie dogs. .204 Ruger Factory .223 Remington loads often provide good accuracy, but the cartridge is a great choice for handloaders who want to duplicate or even exceed factory ammunition ballistics. Compare Compare Now. Shot steel to 650 with good accuracy and 1k with not such good accuracy (too much wind drift). I shoot 40 grain vmax out of both. Is this fairly consistent with what everybody else is loading? When the .204 first appeared I had the opportunity to use several different rifles and multiple factory loads on varmint shoots. As a result, it had to be cleaned on a regular basis to maintain accuracy so was ultimately disposed of. Hornday V-Max bullet and it shows that 28.1 gr. Thanks Catshooter. . It is unknown if these results were from poor-quality cases, perhaps a poor case neck relationship with the bullet, including tension and alignment, or perhaps a poor powder choice. I'd like to know of a good load for the .204 also. For the next 14 years Winchester aggressively sought new markets, created new products and explored new opportunities for his lever-action rifles. But either will serve you well. To me this is impractical for a cartridge that was designed for high-volume shooting. Speer has earned a loyal following with the explosive-like performance of its TNT hollowpoint varmint bullets, with the 39-grain version being used here. JavaScript is disabled. The most accurate versions included the 35-grain FB Varmint over 28.0 grains of IMR-8208 XBR for 3,886 fps, and the 40-grain LTB loaded over 29.0 grains of Accurate 2520 powder for 3,871 fps. This is Ball powder. The .204 Ruger was formally announced in 2004, was quickly accepted by many varmint shooters and hunters and has become one of the most reloaded rifle cartridges. I use between 26.5 and 27.0 g of 748. Shot both factory loads by hornandy, 32 and 40 grn vmax. Joined: Thu Dec 01, 2005 11:20 pm.204 Ruger Guns: Sako 75V, Cooper MTV, Kimber 84M, Cust M700 11 Twist Location: High Desert of Central Oregon. Thanks for the data mate. Using 29.5 grains of Accurate 2230 powder duplicated, and even slightly exceeded, factory load velocities. It is also ideal for a wide variety of centerfire rifle loads, including 222 Remington, 30-30 Winchester, 30 Winchester, and up to 485 Winchester Magnum. The two manuals (Hornady and Barnes) give several different, progressively hotter loads for the .45-70, depending on what type of rifle you're using. .204 Ruger (Hornady Data) reloading data with 71 loads. Vihtavuori N540, Winchester 748 . Most ammunition companies use magnum primers in their factory loads, but not all. That's faster than I expected. MIBULLETS. Does anyone use Win 748 powder for .223 or .308 loads? Anyone try cfe223 in a AR platform? Mar 9, 2003 87 63 New Zealand. References: Internet sites (powder and bullet companies) Numerous magazine articles on reloading special calibers and personal loads where noted. The maxorder quantity of any powder SKU is, Still have to long tube drop powder to fit it all in the case without compressing the load. Great powder for lighter bullets in a .308. My methodology was to trim cases all to the same length, full-length size them, install new primers, weigh empty cases, fill them with water until level with the case mouth, then weigh again and deduct their dry weights. This powder run perfect through my rcbs powder measure. I use this very low recoil load for 200 yard High Power events and it is easy to get back on . 46 posts Page 1 of 2 1, 2. A wide variety of powders were used to develop the accompanying .204 Ruger data. You unknowingly made a good choice for that 223. CFE 223 is the same powder as SMP746; however, the latter is for OEM purposes and is manufactured with much larger lot-to-lot variances, and manufacturers develop new loads with each powder lot with the aid of a pressure barrel that most handloaders do not have access to. However, the 40-grain V-MAX offers a higher ballistic coefficient (BC) and a flatter trajectory. i am looking forward to some return to "normalcy", so i can actually try some different "recipes". increments.. It was high velocity as well. Ok. June 14, 2022 By Steve Gash. There are many powder choices that offer the correct burn rate for the .204 but generally include those that fall between IMR-4198 and Winchester 760, with the faster versions being most suitable for lighter bullets, and slower-burning powders performing better with heavier bullet weights. as well. . With the opening of the American West to settlement and the ongoing military conflicts in Europe and the Near East, the demand for Winchester firearms and ammunition remained strong. Please enter your login details below. I'm looking for some load data on these rounds with the 748. Federal Gold Medal 205 Match primers were used to develop the accompanying loads. Both have produced great results. Explore. These rifles feature high-quality, cold hammer-forged barrels that are stress relieved and known for their accuracy. Comprehensive load data for Winchester 748 reloading powder und technical specifications for this propellant. Have a 7MM and a .243, was hoping to consolidate to one powder but no luck there so- again, for availability- I use IMR4985. Compare Compare Now. (More hang time). Other than the outlined nuances associated with handloading a small caliber, high-velocity varmint cartridge, it is relatively easy to develop handloads for the .204 Ruger that duplicate or exceed factory load performance. 3,427 fps-(unverified)(MAX) [note from a user: 32 grains TAC is MAX/MAX and will produce over 4,200 fps not verified, caution] This load likely exceeds max pressures, use at your own risk I would use the TAC loads below for the 32 grain, 50 grain Berger Hollow Point Boat Tail (HPBT), (Note: hard to stabilize longer bullets, 1 in 12 twist is not enough). That's what I suggest you do. HideTV Updates and Shot Show Streams Coming This Week. and went up to 28gr. Switching to the 39-grain bullet, 25.0 grains of Alliant Reloder 10X gave outstanding accuracy. #7 12-19-2012, 01:36 PM . (Photo from Hornady loaded ammo with 32 gr. To comply with the new e-Privacy directive, we need to ask for your consent to set the cookies. It is also ideal for a wide variety of centerfire rifle loads, including 222 Remington, 30-30 Winchester, 30 Winchester, and up to 485 Winchester Magnum. For example, its low recoil allowed bullet strike to be observed through the riflescope. 26.0 gr of WW-748 is a solid load. Sep 10, 2009 #9 ; Re: Winchester 748 powder I use it in .222 Rem, .223 Rem, 30-30 Win, .303 Brit, and .308 Win. Minuteman. Both feature a green plastic tip for high BCs, but it also serves to facilitate rapid expansion on varmints. Most loads delivered respectable accuracy; however, some produced higher extreme velocity spreads than I would be happy with as a precision-oriented handloader and varmint shooter. That is really good trait. At 28gr. 35 grain Berger rem 7.5. some good info here. Here are my specs: Small Rifle Primer Rankings & 0.5 MOA at 600m From .204 Sako 85 Varmint. Hi there can anybody help me with some load data for W748 in my .204. New cases are available from Hornady, Starline, and Winchester. and 8 lb. in Aktuality. Both are good powders for .223 rem. Select handloads showed significantly lower extreme spreads and accuracy improvements using 32-grain bullets from Nosler, Sierra and Hornady. Share information about reloading the .204 Ruger. report of the firearm. I just looked at the Hodgdon load data for the 40 gr. The .204 Ruger is considered to be accurate on distances up to 270 yards. It is especially accurate with the smaller bullets like the 32-40 grain ones. Load at your own risk. Founded by Frank Galli in 2000, Snipers Hide has been offering informational videos, podcasts, and other support to its users in one location. VAT (where applicable), shipping costs and possible delivery charges. Delivers sniper-like accuracy for dependable long-range kills. Regarding loads, Barnes said, you can use other published load data from Hodgdon or Hornady and the 32gr bullet for use with the 26gr Varmint Grenade bullets. Sign up to get updates and access to exclusive promotions. Larry. Incidentally, Hornady and Nosler offer match-grade cases as a component. If anyone is going to try the load of 28.5 gr. Flows very smoothly. Use the minimum load data to start. Using the 32-grain BlitzKing, 30.7 grains of Accurate 2520 powder almost duplicated factory load performance; however, 28.0 grains of Hodgdon Benchmark reached just under 4,000 fps and was the most accurate powder with this bullet. Also I use it for several loads in 7mm08. Subscribe to the free newsletter and do not miss any news or promotions. To accurately detail those results would. Since reading these posts it sounds like it may have been a fairly decent choice afterall. The pressure index is also much lower (CUP) yet velocity is not compromised. Have no issues regarding ambient temperature. Hornadys 40-grain V-MAX factory load chronographed 3,851 fps, which I was able to more or less duplicate or exceed by using 29.5 grains of Accurate 2520 or 29.8 grains of Hodgdon CFE 223 powder. This is a good safe load in my gun. The low-flame temperature extends barrel life compared to other similar speed powder. THE ONLY ONE COMPLAINT IS THE TEMP SENSITIVITY. New customer? Then I am going to tell you that I used both Winchester 748 and Varget in mine. Loads for .204 Ruger:(Note: Most are maximum loads, you should use 10% less to start.) It is a versatile powder, usable in many different calibers, even the .458 Winchester. Address:, Gartenweg 9, 83661 Lenggries, Germany. I checked Alliants site and could not find any load for 204,s. Staball load data, Nosler 100gr , 6.5 Creedmore. The 28's shot pretty good. This has a similar, we would say, burn tate to Varget or Reloader 15, except its a flattened ball powder, not a stick powder. Post by Rick in Oregon . In Sierras tradition, they also proved very accurate throughout load development. /wp-content/uploads/2017/12/winchester-logo-redv2.png, But brass for the .204 is as easy to get, so why do it? This website uses cookies to ensure the best experience possible. Again, start low and work up. LC brass, CCI 41, 69 grain Nosler CC, 23.7 grains 748, OAL 2.20", White Oak barrel,1-8 twist, and Bushmaster DCP rifle. match bullet @ 98% loading density. When measuring case water capacity, there were variances from brand to brand; however, all weighed between 32.5 (Remington) and 33.0 grains (Hornady). Try here for some real good info on the 204. Available in 1 lb. The Lyman #49 does not have a load for TAC for the .204. Factory loads and handloads were checked for velocity and accuracy with a CZ 527 American with a 22-inch barrel and a Redfield Revolution 4-12x scope. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. 2008 prices range from $.25 to $.50 each in 100 lots. Wow, that's really low on the 55gr. 32 vmax at ranges inside 150 gets pretty messy. This power is ideal for 55-77 grain bullets. My unscientific field terminal effects experiments on prairie dogs favored 39gr blitzkings over 32gr Bullets in the .204. In spite of previous positive comments regarding powders containing a decoppering agent, propellants without this feature, including spherical and extruded versions, can give excellent results. Purely subjective, but to me, I can't tell the difference between the 223 and 204 on targets, they're about the same (to me) in the field, but the 204 shoots noticably flatter in comparison. Great accuracy and flows great thru my electronic measure/ scale. However, throwing charges was out of the question; rather, each charge had to be very slowly trickled into cases to prevent bridging. 131,-K/kg. I then repeated the test using the same targets.Total test took about 1 hour. It is suggested to avoid extruded versions that have longer cuts (or logs), as they will bridge in the small cartridge. by Cooper Sat May 06, 2017 5:37 am . Furthermore, the ammunition containing heavier. Load data for 27 loads in caliber .30-30 Win. We're also planning on running streams this week for Shot Show so keep an eye out. Find a full selection of 204 ruger rifles from top rifle manufacturers at the best prices. A few examples include Accurate 2015, 2230 and 2520, Hodgdon CFE 223, Benchmark, BL-C(2), Norma 200, Winchester 748, IMR-8208 XBR, Alliant Reloder 10X, AR-Comp, Vihtavuori N133 or Ramshot X-Terminator and TAC. Appreciate the understanding! Post I like the 32gr Sierra's, otherwise, if you go too heavy (like 40gr) you may as well go with a 22-250 because you start departing from what makes the .204 a .204. by bigdog_99 Sat Jul 03, 2010 6:55 pm, Post Powders include Hodgdon, Vihtavuori, IMR, Alliant, Winchester Got two to plink around with and hope to do a little varmint hunting later this spring. Varget is a good powder across many weights for the .223. Winchester cases were used to develop the accompanying load data. And mine in .204 for . H-335 gave great accuracy too. One innovative feature found in Hornady .204 factory loads includes powder containing a decoppering agent that effectively inhibits bullet jacket fouling. The 527 features a 22-inch barrel, which is shorter than those found on most varmint rifles, but. I have found that 335 does really well with the 40 grain vmax. It is also ideal for a wide variety of centerfire rifle loads, including 222 Remington, 30-30 Winchester, 30 Winchester, and up to 485 Winchester Magnum. (See note on Powders below or read all about various Powders.) Gun was super hot. Measures consistantly through my powder measure when I am doing high volume loads. Most common bullet weights range from 26 grain (Barnes) to 50 grains for this little 20 caliber hot-shot. This is something we need to do to continue using our email system. Sign up with your email address to receive news and updates. A lot of groups in the .2-.4 range. Great product. For more information, go JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. I am just working on .204 Ruger loads and I need some help working up some loads. Working up in 1/2 gr. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Good performer overall. Home. You can get brass from Hornady, Norma, Nosler, Remington & Winchester. 2. Would anybody have a clue as to what kind of speed this would be producing, doesn't really matter, I'm just curious. As suggested, case preparation is an important aspect to assemble accurate and consistent handloads. Hornady offers its excellent 32- and 40-grain V-MAX bullets as well as a 45-grain Spire Point designed for larger varmints such as coyotes. We convert to MOA below What makes this powder good, perhaps, is that the 26.1-27 grain loads in the Berger 55 Match bullets, all had basically the same point of impact. Virtually vaporizes ground squirrels and prairie dogs, even at extended range. To be able to use the full range of Shopware 6, we recommend activating Javascript in your browser. TAC 29.9 gr. Winchester 748 is a ball powder and the choice for loading 223 Remington cartridges. Be the first to share your insights. Probably Winchester 748 would be good in a big bore .204 with 32 gr bullets, plus Varget could be OK. 17 Winchester Super Mag (1) 20 Gauge (20) 204 Ruger (0) 22-250 Rem (9) 223 Rem (11) 25-20 (0) 270 WSM (0) 280 Rem (0) 300 Blackout (0) 303 Savage (0) 32 Rem (0) 338 Win Mag (1) 350 Legend (1) 357 Mag (0) 375 H&H Mag (0) 38 Smith & Wesson (0) 38 Special (0) 410 Gauge (5) 44 Cal (0) 44-40/44 WCF (0) 450 Bushmaster (0) 5.7X28 (1) 50 Action Express . 204 Ruger and .222 Rem. To comply with the new e-Privacy directive, we need to ask for your consent to set the cookies. or 27.5 gr. Reloading data for 34 loads in caliber .204 Ruger with .204 | 39gr | Sierra Blitzking BT bullet including underlying parameters such as bullet length, cartridge length and case capacity. I'm new to reloading and just wondering is that a safe load, I didn't hear it crunch when I set the bullet, so I don't think its a compressed load. Thank you for sharing Hodgdon Reloading data. 1. winchester 748 load data 204 ruger It may not display this or other websites correctly. Gday I'm looking for some info on loads for the 204 ruger using 45grn soft point projectiles and Ar2208 Powder. On these rounds with the 40 grain vmax TNT hollowpoint varmint bullets, the... A higher Ballistic coefficient ( BC ) and a flatter trajectory some ``! Perfect through my rcbs powder measure when i am doing high volume loads load development Automatic Pistol. Such good accuracy ( too much wind drift ) 40 grain vmax TNT... Traditional sales channels to winchester 748 load data 204 ruger powder availability at retailers hammer-forged barrels that are relieved... 527 features a 22-inch barrel, which is shorter than those found on most varmint rifles, but it serves! 28.1 gr 2008 prices range from 26 grain ( Barnes ) to 50 grains for this propellant 32 gr common! 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