Tell me a person children often learn about in school. Tell me something people do more of during winter than summer. Fill in the blank: all i need to have a merry christmas is _____.. Name something you might light with a match. Name the us state you would like to live in. Name a country that is covered in snow at christmas. Name something that might be small enough to fit in a leprechaun's hand. Name something a little kid might draw for st. patricks day. Name a vehicle that is used by the military. Name something people brag about being in mint condition. Name something you don't want to do when you're tired. #5: Name the month you usually wear the LEAST amount of clothing. Or even more simply: a piece of rock from space that thunders to the Earth. Name something in your house that you need a professional to fix. Tell me a topic that a person should not talk about on a date. Name a word or phrase used to start a toast. Name something people bring inside before it starts to rain. How many days do thanksgiving leftovers last? Chrome crashes may be caused by a corrupted profile. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[120,600],'familyfeudfriends_com-banner-1','ezslot_3',109,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-familyfeudfriends_com-banner-1-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[120,600],'familyfeudfriends_com-banner-1','ezslot_4',109,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-familyfeudfriends_com-banner-1-0_1');.banner-1-multi-109{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:15px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:15px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:600px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}App Store Google Play StoreCHALLENGE 1-ON-1 IN CLASSIC FEUD FUN Answer the best Feud surveys and play the best gameshow game, EVER! Name a favorite game from your childhood. Name something commonly found in cookies. Name a food that a little kid might want instead of turkey on thanksgiving. Name a u.s. city that gets a lot of tourists. Name someone you would never want to have as a third-wheel on a date. Name something you might need to play hockey. Name a summer sport played at both international competitions and high schools. We asked 100 menPast or present, name a first lady you'd like to see in a bathing suit. #5: Name something college students do between classes. Name something that might be covered in chocolate. Deputy Dan Whittington was responding to another . Name a sport that requires strong and flexible wrists. Name someone you might discuss a serious problem with. Name something a pirate might wager in a high stakes card game. Name something people store in a cupboard. Tell me something that can be distracting when driving. Name something you might bring home from a restaurant. Name something you associate with Great Britain. Name something that might be served with hot dogs. Name a sport that might be considered "high-class". Name something a kid might ruin while trying to make mom breakfast in bed. Name a place where you're supposed to be very quiet. Name a game you might win a lot of money playing. Name something people like to dip in chocolate. Name something people might use to make their online passwords. Name something you tell your kids to do but not your spouse. Name the first thing you would grab if a food fight started during christmas dinner. Name something that makes a person's nose run. Besides lions, name an animal featured in the movie the lion king. Name a nickname that might be given to a rich ceo. Although I'd argue it could be a bit volatile. We asked 100 people: name the most popular event at the winter olympics. Name something that makes Easter unique from other holidays. Name a place where you're supposed to be very quiet. Name a "his and hers" item that a couple might buy. Tell me something teenagers want their parents to buy for them. Besides a parrot, name an animal that a pirate might have as a pet. What is also torturous is trying to fall asleep, but not being able to turn your brain off. Name an item frequently used in school science projects. Name something you associate with the pirates life. Name a country a product is made in that would make you trust it. Name something in school that students might have to buy themselves. Which thanksgiving dish is the hardest to wash out of a toddlers clothes? Name something a father might teach his son. Name an animal that a class might have as a pet. Name a food or drink people enjoy while watching a football game. Name an event that people travel from all around the world to see. Give me a first name you don't hear very often. Name something that might be considered a romantic christmas gift. Name something people inherit from their parents. Name a problem that you think st. patrick would be able to solve. Log in. Name something you might make someone do while they are hypnotized. Name something you would not want your cat to claw. Name a foreign accent that is easy to imitate. Name something you get too much of when you're a teenager. Name a chore the flash would be great at. Name a food that starts with the letter 'D'. Name something that is not all that it is cracked up to be. Name something that kids get into trouble for throwing. Name something that can put a spring in someone's step. Name someone who is impervious to bullets. Name something that a pirate would not want their parrot to do. Name something new parents spend their time doing. Name a job that a school teacher may take during the summer. Name a reason why your mistress and your wife would be at the same thanksgiving dinner. Name something patriotic that americans do everyday. Name a baby animal that could fit in the palm of your hand. Name a material you might build your house with if you wanted to save money. Name a city that people travel from all over the world to visit. Name something a rich person might have named after him. Name something specific that might be used to make a gingerbread house. Name the person you would most like to be stranded with. Besides blood, what would you use red paint for on halloween? When a couple breaks up, what might one partner want back? What is the first thing dad wants to do on father's day? To die by your side is such a heavenly way to die. Name a place veterans might gather on the 4th of july. Name something that can make traveling a pain. Name something that might be on a st. patrick's day party invitation. Name something a couple might fight about. Name an activity that might take place during a slumber party. Hope is not comfortable or easy. Name a department in schools that is often underfunded. Name a superhero or villain that isnt rich. Name something you would wear if you wanted to dress as a pirate. Name something that a child might save their money to buy. Name something a superhero might do in their hideout. Name something firemen carry that regular people don't. When you were a kid, name someone who could see right through your lies. Name a revolution other than the american revolution. What Do Family Fued Contestants Do After Their Relative Has Given A Bad Answer(4 answers), 3. Name a part of your body that is more exposed in the summer than in winter. Name something specific people ask for when ordering a burger from the grill. Name something that is considered rude to do at the dinner table. Name a specific exercise people might do while listening to music. Name something a woman does after she has been proposed to. Name a celebrity women would like to go on a valentine's date with. Name a sport that might make your whole body ache the day after you play. Name something traditionally used to keep monsters away. Zachary Police Chief. Tagged with . If a person were wearing a cupid costume outside, what part of their body would get cold first? Name a place you might have people sit if you run out of room at the thanksgiving dinner table. Name something a captain might have that his crew does not. Name something you might do to prepare for a natural disaster. We asked 100 people: name a popular brand of detergent. Name an animal that is mentioned in the bible a lot. Tell me something people do with their old love letters. Tell me a place that might have a waiting list. Name a way people might keep the dog from bothering them during Easter dinner. Name something a superstitious person might carry with them on halloween night. Name a food that starts with the letter 'M'. What is something that people commonly forget on park benches? to married men, fill in the blank- My wife married me for my ________. Name a chore a young child would typically do. Tell me a part of a woman's body that is usually bigger than a man's. Tell me something mom did for you when you were a baby. Statute of Limitations For the Property Damage to Your Home. Name something a family might take with them on a nature walk. Name a place you would not want to be on christmas. Name a gift people often get for teenagers. Name something that might ruin a fun party. Name something kids believe in that adults don't. Name something that might happen at a cemetery. Who might the Easter Bunny sit next to if he went to a convention for famous animals? Name something specific a ghost might haunt at christmas. Name a celebrity men would like to go on a valentine's date with. Name something specific needed to play a game of hockey. Name a food that might be served as a side to fried chicken. Name an activity where a person might come up for air. Name something you associate with captain nemo. Name something you might see on a postcard from the u.s. Name the instrument women would least like to be serenaded by. Name a bug that makes some women scream(6 answers), 2. Name a piece of sports equipment that is associated with Springtime. #6: Name a natural disaster that would cause a lot of property damage. Name a reason someone might think their neighbor is a vampire. We first introduced this Family Feud question on 2021-05-07 and updated it on 2021-05-07. Name someone mickey mouse might invite over for thanksgiving. Name something people do with their mouth. What is the first thing mom wants to do on mother's day? Name something that has a lot of holes in it. Name something you might put on a dinner table. Name something you associate with witches. Name a reason a child might throw a tantrum. Tell me something that reminds you of winter. Name a country that has a lot of castles. Your email address will not be published. Name something you don't like to discuss with strangers. Name something a person might be rolling in. Name something a ghostbuster museum would advertise having. Name a scent you would not want perfume to smell like. Tell me something embarrassing that might happen on a date. Name something a woman might put in the shredder after she gets a divorce. Tell me something you might accidentally bump into. Which u.s. city do you think is the most patriotic? Name someone you buy a Christmas gift for. Name something you might get when you retire. Name something kids think is unfair that their parents can do but they cannot. Name an animal that would make a great bodyguard. What might you do if you got stung by a jellyfish? Name a popular animal for sports mascots. Name something you wish you could bring to work. Name a food parents might insist their kids eat in the morning. Name a place you should avoid if you are on a diet. Name a place where you might have to wait in line. Tell me a snack served at a kid's birthday party. Name something you might be embarrassed to throw out. Name something parents do when their kids are away at summer camp. Besides a ball, name something you need to play a game of soccer. Name something in sports that is considered unsportsmanlike. Name something you'd need to look like a magician. Name something a teenage superhero might not have time for. Name a way a person might keep their house from being vandalized on halloween. Name something you like to eat on hot days. Name something people ask for more often in summer than in winter. Name something a family might do if they were having a campout in the back yard. Name a snack commonly packed in school lunches. Besides pirates, name something you would see on a pirate ship. Name a girls name that starts with the letter "j". Give me a reason people avoid tying the knot. Name a job that requires a lot of public speaking. Name something people associate with cavemen. Name something supermodels don't do as much as ordinary people. R2 (married women): Name something you would do if you discovered your next-door neighbor peeping in your window: #1: #2: #3: Close blinds (15)(Chris) #4: #5: Confront him (4)(Kisha) #6: Halls: Flash breasts/Moon (#4- 8), scream (#2- 21), call cops (TA- 42), hide, call fire dept. If you could control the weather, what would you make it do? Name something a ghost might need money for. Watch Out For A Meteorite On Earth Meteorites regularly hit the Earth, a meteoroid or asteroid that passes through our atmosphere and land on Earth our planet. Complete the statement: "lets raid my parents' _____.". Name a superhero or villain that you would trust babysitting your kids. Name a fruit you dont have to peel before eating. Name something people look forward to seeing in the summer. How many teeth do you think the average carny is missing? Name an animal that spends a lot of its time underground. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or comments. Name something a ghost might be attracted to. Name something a house guest might need help finding. Name a country that isnt known for being competitive at summer sports. Name a reason a student might not like spring break. R2 (married women): Name something you would do if you discovered your next-door neighbor peeping in your window: #1: Name a tool a man could not live without. Name a place that is associated with the rain. Name something athletes do to celebrate a big win. Give me a man's name that starts with the letter "d". Name something a ham might be seasoned or marinated with. Name your favorite disney animated movie. Name a professional that parents talk about their children with. Name a piece of sports equipment that gathers dust until Spring. Name something a pirate might use rope for. Name something kids might fight over during a family road trip. Name something that attracts large crowds during the summer. Name something that takes up too much of your time. Name a musical instrument a child might learn at school. #2: Name a specific article of clothing that might be christmas themed. Name something kids might get painted on their faces for st. patrick's day. Name something you do when a telemarketer calls. Name a factor that might influence where a student goes to college. Name a country known for good looking men. Without seeing the cat, name a way you can tell a person owns a cat just by looking around their house(5 answers), 8. If a cheating husband wants to save his marriage, name a place he'll go to. Name a city that has a large St. Patrick's Day parade. Name something a kid picks up from school. Name an activity that you typically do at summer camp. If you had the power to shapeshift, who would you turn yourself into? Name something embarrassing that you are often caught doing. How many days into the school year do teachers wait before giving a test? Look at the table for the Family Feud Answer with Points Name something you hope doesn't break down while you're inside of it. Give me a woman's name that has 3 letters in it. Name something you might find in your car's glove compartment. If you were a supervillain, which famous monument or landmark would you want to destroy? Name something that might be on christmas wrapping paper. Name something you would not want to stick your nose into. Name a U.S. president who was known for his way with words. Name a reason why you might put up signs around the neighborhood. Name something you might find behind a pirate's eye-patch. Name an insect that can be annoying when you are trying to enjoy the outdoors. Besides fighting, name a specific skill youd want your side-kick to have. Name something people do as hotel guests that they would never do as house guests. Name a vegetable that begins with the letter "b". Name the superhero or villain who really needs a good therapist. What do people use for cover when they get caught in a rain storm? How might a teacher punish a misbehaving student? Name a famous person whose first or last name starts with the letter "A". Name a christmas gift you would like to get from your boss. Besides ghosts, name something the ghostbusters might be called for. Besides your family, name someone you see regularly. Name something specific a person might have that they won't tell you is really fake. Name a U.S. city you would love to live in. Name a reason why your eyes might water up. Name something you might accidentally leave on all night. Name a place you have to apply to get into. Name something a mom shouldn't still have to do for her grown-up son. We asked 100 people: name a popular hot beverage. Name something your body tells you to do. Name something you look for in a potential spouse. At what age does the average kid stop receiving an Easter basket? Name something you associate with the pacific northwest. Name a recipe or game eggs might used for at a family picnic. We asked 100 people: name something you bring to a convention. Name a situation where you might have butterflies in your stomach. Name something a teenage boy might borrow from his father. Name someone who might have a halloween prank played on them. Name something a female magician might pull a rabbit out of. Name a profession whose uniform might be mistaken for a halloween costume. Name something slimy that kids pick up off of the ground. Where do people put their winter clothes once spring arrives? Name an occupation where you're allowed to be half naked on the job. Name a vegetable that is rarely served raw. Name a halloween costume that would be easy to make at home. Name something that might be scooped onto a students lunch tray. #4: Name something you might grow in your garden. Name something specific that might be put in fried rice. We asked 100 people: name something a dog might bury in a yard. Tell me something specific where you might use the motto "the bigger the better". Name a superhero who you would like to have with you on a deserted island. Name a place where you might keep a lucky four-leaf clover. Name something you receive multiple times per day. Name something a woman does with the picture of the ex who dumped her. Name something that should cost less than $5. Name something you might find in a swimming pool. The idea behind this is that you'll clear the app from memory and allow for a clean launch. Name something nerds might do on halloween. Name someone who might outstay their welcome during the holidays. Name something that might be drawn into a halloween themed painting. Name something you might pour gravy on during thanksgiving dinner. Name something stores sell out of on valentine's day. Name something that is associated with witches. Name a place where you might hear irish music being played. Besides chickens, what else hatches from eggs? Win bigger prizes; get 200 points on the scoreboard for an extra bonus, just like the show!COMPETE IN ELIMINATION TOURNAMENTS Prove that youre the Ultimate Feuder to win huge! Name someone you might be nervous meeting for the first time. Tell me something that people have a hard time remembering. Name a sport that is not part of the Summer Olympics, but should be. Name something a ghost might try before getting trapped by the ghostbusters. Name something typically served at weddings. Name something pirates might exchange on valentines day. Tell me something you associate with Cuba. Name a reason why someone might apply for a loan. Name something students might get on the first day of school. What does an actor change in order to play a character? Name an autographed item a son might get for his father. Name something that requires good rhythm to do. Tell me a game you might see people playing at the park. This site was created to get you Family Feud questions and answers as quickly as possible. Name something mom does for free that should command a high salary. Name a way you might be able to tell that an invisible person is in the room. Name something that might be on a st. patrick's day parade float. #1: Acc. Name something a kid might worry about inheriting from their parents. Fill in the blank: I wouldn't want my boss to say I was ________. Name something you might say when you haven't heard properly. Name a superheroine who is the female version of a well-known male hero. "Home is the starting place of love, hope and dreams." "The magic thing about home is that it feels good to leave, and it feels even better to come back." "Home is where love resides, memories are created, friends always belong, and laughter never ends." "A house is made of bricks and beams. Tell me something specific a detective looks for at a murder scene. Name a skill that might be taught at scout camp. Name something you might need to make a pirate costume. Name a public place where it is ok to take off your pants. Name the messiest food to eat at a cookout. Name somewhere a ghost shark might attack from. Name something that you think superheroes do too often. Name a food that shouldn't be put at the bottom of a grocery bag. Name something that might happen on a first date which would rule out a second date. Name something you would need to make a princess costume. The more futile, the more useless, the more irrelevant and incomprehensible an act of rebellion is, the vaster and more potent hope becomes.". Name something you might see in the macy's thanksgiving day parade. Name something that bites people in horror movies. Name an occupation that heroes might have as a day job. Name something a husband does when his wife tells him that she is pregnant. Name a place you might embarrassed to go after dying your hair green for st. patrick's day. Tell me something you associate with abraham lincoln. Name something teenagers can't live without. Double: Name something only an IDIOT would do if a cop car was driving right behind you: #1: Speed (61)(Wesley) Name something you might find in a classroom. At what time does the average person eat breakfast? Name something that students are not usually allowed to do in class. Name a spot on their baby that new parents like to tickle. Name something green that a turtle might eat. Name something other people do that you find irritating. Name a type of pie people make during the holidays. Many teeth do you think st. patrick would be at the winter olympics a jellyfish veterans might on. Has 3 letters in it to save money crowds during the summer at christmas allowed do... Do if you wanted to dress as a third-wheel on a valentine 's day _____. `` sport... Male hero year do teachers wait before giving a test discuss a serious with! 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