Both Zamora and Graham were arrested on September 6, 1996. of 1 Zamora confessed the crime to her roommates, which ultimately led to notification of the local police in Texas, where the murder occurred. Authorities cleared him as a suspect. Get email alerts on breaking news stories as soon as they happen. Diane wanted Adrianne dead. Sign up for our newsletter to keep reading. Prison records Tuesday showed Zamora was housed temporarily at the Mountain View Unit, where she arrived earlier this month. [1][8], Graham was interrogated for 30 hours, during which he confessed to killing Jones. The jury was asked to deliberate on the charges of capital murder or the lesser charges of assault, kidnapping, or false imprisonment. What happened to Adriannes killers Graham and Zamora? Zamora claims she's not a cold-blooded killer. Nearly all of the newly identified victims died in Buffalo. What happened to the parents of Adrian Jones? The incident happened Dec. 10. Jackson died on Dec. 28, three days after she collapsed while walking through the snow to reach her mother's house. 2023 Cinemaholic Inc. All rights reserved. . One left a hole in her left cheek while another left one in her forehead. Sources: Wikipedia - Diane Zamora Murderpedia - Diane Zamora Texas Monthly - The Killer Cadets by Skip Hollandsworth, December 1996 Investigation Discovery - The Texas . She got out of the car and ran into a field. Want to keep up with the latest crime coverage? As of 2022[update] she is back in protective custody in the Lane Murray Unit. During the early morning hours of December 4, 1995, a farmer found a dead body behind a barbed wire fence while driving on a lonely country road; it was Adriannes. 175 E 62nd St #18B, Manhattan, NY 10065 is a 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom, 1,086 sqft coop built in 1963. Will you try them? 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According to their own testimony, around 1 a.m. on Dec. 4, 1995, Graham picked up Jones. #crimesofpassion #basedonatruestory #unsolvedmysteries #unsolvedmurder After David Graham confessed to his high school sweetheart Diane Zamora that he'd chea. It wasn't until a year later, when both David and Diane went to military academies, that Diane confessed. In early December 1995, after only two months of dating, a then-18-year-old David Graham makes a salacious confession to his 17-year-old girlfriend, Diane Zamora: He had been unfaithful to her with Adrianne Jones, 16, a beautiful blonde track student at Mansfield High School in Grand Prairie, Texas. They were dating when Graham confessed to Zamora that he had sex with Jones, his teammate on the cross country team. Then, instead of going home, Diane went to see David at his academy in Colorado. The Draft Room posted to its Instagram page a black-and-white photo of King edited to be wearing a Buffalo Sabres jersey. Was he going to . While David once claimed he wasn't even present when Adrianne was killed, he later admitted to pulling the trigger. But I hope that everyone remembers our daughter with the integrity that she has cause shes still among us, watching us. Powered by VIP. [5], Although they were goal-driven and intelligent, Zamora and Graham each had issues "beneath the surface" that were reflected at times in their behavior. People Magazine Investigates airs Mondays (1o p.m. Adrian Jones has no grave and theres no memorial. Graham and Zamora were convicted of Adrianne's murder in the '90s and have spent two decades behind bars where they will remain at least until they are eligible for parole in 2036. He will be eligible for parole in 2036. The crime occurred while they were all still in high school in Texas prior to David joining the Air Force Academy and Diane joining the Naval Academy. They are flown back to Texas to stand trial. She [Zamora] was the motivator, but I went through with it and thats all that really matters, he said. If they hoped for their lives to be entwined forever, David Graham and Diane Zamora will apparently get their wish. In separate interviews with police, they gave similar stories about driving Jones to a remote spot at a lake in Grand Prairie in the southern part of the Dallas-Fort Worth area, Zamora hitting the girl with a barbell and Graham shooting her as she tried to flee. This dark twisted love story does not end well for Adrianne Jessica Jones as she ends up murdered. [1] During her confession to police, Zamora said that she believed it was this night when Graham came over to her house, carrying a stuffed animal and having "this look in his eyes that was horrible, he looked so scared. People Magazine Investigates airs Mondays (10 p.m. Then 20-years-old, he received the same sentence as Diane. [6] Graham said that he was not guilty of killing Jones, but helped cover up the murder, which he claimed Zamora committed by herself. We have just learned heartbreaking details about how he lived. During Dianes trial in February 1998, she claimed her confession was false and that she only repeated what the police told her about Davids confession. "From these witnesses, the state knew, and should have known, that the testimony it sponsored in support of a sexual encounter between Jones and Graham was probably false". They were held in the Tarrant County Jail. 9 Diane Zamora Photos and Premium High Res Pictures - Getty Images Images Creative Editorial Video Creative Editorial FILTERS CREATIVE EDITORIAL VIDEO 9 Diane Zamora Premium High Res Photos Browse 9 diane zamora stock photos and images available, or start a new search to explore more stock photos and images. Zamora said at her trial that Graham killed Jones alone. Farm Heroes Saga, the #4 Game on iTunes. Christopher Jones, who was convicted of first degree premeditated murder of his estranged wife and abuse of her corpse, had his appeal denied in court. Court documents show Zamora had been housed in a "safekeeping" cell at the Texas Department of Criminal Justice Mountain View Unit outside Gatesville and was moved to another Central Texas female prison, the Hobby Unit, where she was placed in general population. Her body was positively identified to be the missing Adrianne Jones when the medical examiner received a photograph of Jones. 52 min 32. This is a publication that has been created to tell the stories of forgotten battles and fortunes that have crafted the world that we live in today. So, lets find out what happened then, shall we? The slaying was to appease Zamora (pictured), who was enraged that Jones and Graham slept together once. Without access to the Internet, Graham said he posted to the site via mail to a third party. Is it time Harry & Meghan accept Clarkson's apology and move on? Prime Prosper corner just north of Universals future Frisco theme park hits the market, La Casita has become one of the biggest bakeries in D-FW, and its just getting started, How and why iconic Rockwall restaurant Culpepper was saved from closure, Chicago developer eyes Uptown Dallas hotel project, American elections should be decided by Americans. David Graham and Diane Zamora were only teenagers when they were arrested for a brutal crime: the beating and shooting death of 16-year-old Adrianne Jones, a well-liked girl in Mansfield, Texas, who fell between Graham and Zamora with deadly consequences. Graham, also 40, is imprisoned at the Allred Unit northwest of Wichita Falls in far North Central Texas. . There were no signs of a kidnapping or struggle at the house; everything seemed to point to Adrianne voluntarily going to meet someone she knew. The complaints and accusations lodged at Joseph Dispenza are at odds with the public profile of the man long associated with Forest Lawn, whose voice is a familiar one given all of the radio commercials over the years. Zamora had wanted to be an astronaut and Graham wanted to be a pilot. David Lighty was born on May 27, 1988. Adrian was abused by his parents and starved to death. In filings, Zamora said her only friend in prison was Yolanda Saldivar, another high-profile inmate convicted of the 1995 shooting death of Tejano singing star Selena Quintanilla-Perez. These are the 20 victims on that list who had not previously been publicly identified and whose deaths The Buffalo News independently confirmed. Diane Zamora and her fianc, David Graham, had a bright future ahead of them. One of these is Diane Zamora who, with her boyfriend, David Graham, shot and killed fellow high school student Adrianne Jones in what has to be one of the stupidest murders ever. Investigation revealed that David and Adrianne had been at the cross-country meet in Lubbock, Texas, in November 1995. David Lighty weighed 98kg / 215.6lbs when playing. Zamora (right, in July 1998) and Graham were dating when he confessed to Zamora that he had sex with Jones (left), his teammate on the cross country team, Zamora argued she became a target for threats and assaults from other inmates because stories about her case were available in the prison library, that a movie had been made about her and that she had been in demand for media interviews. The following morning, her badly Circuit Court of Appeals, but the complaint was dismissed. Her new story was that Graham and she had been breaking up, and that Graham was using the murder to "tie her to him". It wasnt until August 1996 that things changed, thanks to information all the way from Annapolis, Maryland. Without access to the Internet, Graham said he posted to the site via mail to a third party. They got into a fight when he pressed her to study for the SAT. He had committed auto theft and burglary and was in prison for threatening someone related to one of his cases. A judge in San Antonio performed the wedding ceremony in which Zamora's mother and a male friend stood in for the imprisoned couple, County Clerk Gerry Rickhoff said. After the murder, Graham and Zamora went about life as usual: attended classes, accepted honors, went to dances, etc. April 6, 2007, 5:20 AM UTC. While Diane was in the Naval Academy, she told Jay Guild, a fellow midshipman she got close to, that she asked David to kill a girl after David cheated. They were both convicted in separate trials and are currently serving life sentences. Nevertheless, a jury found her guilty of capital murder. What happened to Adriannes husband David on Modern Family? Because of the Jones family's request that prosecutors not seek the death penalty against her, Zamora received a mandatory sentence of life imprisonment and would be eligible for parole after 40 years. At the time of the incident, she was a high-school sophomore at the local school and a gifted runner. Diane studied in Crowley, Texas, before graduating from high school and joining the Naval Academy. Buffalo police arrested and charged Jesse Kowalewski, 35, on Dec. 21, according to police and court records. It convicted Zamora, 20, in the 1995. The end of this day is not the end of my life or our familys life, Adriannes mother said as Graham and Zamora were convicted. (Graham could not immediately be reached by PEOPLE. And while he has previously recanted his confession, which was the centerpiece of the prosecution against him, he told the Morning News it was accurate: Im not going to tell people who love Adrianne that we dont deserve life in prison., From left: David Graham and Diane Zamora in 1996.Fort Worth Star-Telegram/Robert J. Ruiz/AP. How Did Royal Abram and Matrell Johnson Die. (AAP) . The gruesome details of his death made national news. ), I think I remember seeing one time, just noticing her, Zamora says on PMIs upcoming episode. The end of this day is not the end of my life or our familys life, Adriannes mother said as Graham and Zamora were convicted. It was a real mystery to the police.". She was also featured in a 2007 episode of NBCs Dateline, where she went public for the first time from prison with her claims of innocence. [19] A wedding ceremony was performed on June 17, 2003. The 5th Circuit ruling upholds the summary judgment in favor of Texas prison officials that was issued by Waco-based U.S. District Judge Robert Pitman in January 2017, 14 months after Zamora filed the lawsuit. Zamora's attorney filed an appeal in 2005, stating that prosecution withheld the information that Graham did not give Jones a ride after the meet, and probably did not have sex with Jones. However, Graham has since admitted that his original confession was accurate and the only reason he lied about the sexual encounter not happening was because of his defense lawyer's advice. Watch our new true crime show, People Magazine Investigates, which continues on Mondays at 10 p.m. Where is Diane Zamora today. Some of the interest centered on whether Zamora was the submissive victim or the jealous driving force behind the murder. [1] She was brought in to the medical examiner as a Jane Doe. Zamora claimed that Graham committed the murder by himself. Listen free, only on Spotify. And David agreed to kill Adrianne.". On December 4, 1995, Zamora and her ex-fianc, David Graham, murdered Adrianne Jessica Jones, who Zamora believed was a romantic rival for Graham; he had claimed that he had given her a ride home and had sex with her one month earlier. But when his gaze wandered to another girl, this teenaged couple would go to murderous lengths to prove their undying love. The person in question was Diane Zamora, and she talked about Adriannes murder. ET on Investigation Discovery. Someone told academy officials who notified Grand Prairie authorities, leading to their arrests. Contact: Follow More from Medium Hogan Torah in Age of Empathy The Secrets I Learned About My Famous Dad After. 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Graham, 41, who was found guilty 20 years ago Tuesday, is being housed in the Allred Unit in Iowa Park. "She lived a really rough life, and my heart breaks that she had a really rough death, too," her daughter Nikki Demers said. In their years in prison, the formerly inseparable couple, who were engaged before their murder arrests and later split, have had some similar experiences. Diane Zamora and David Graham were high school sweethearts and among the nation's best and brightest until they were convicted of murder. Track teammates thought that Jones, the popular sophomore, and Graham, the military-bound senior, were only casual acquaintances. Newly identified people who died in the Buffalo blizzard. [5][9], Zamora's two-week trial began in February 1998 in Fort Worth with Judge Joe Drago presiding. Diane Michelle Zamora (born January 21, 1978) is a former United States Naval Academy midshipman and convicted murderer. His body was fed to pigs. This story has been corrected to show the inmates name is Diane Zamora, not Diana. [4] Graham claimed in 2008 that Zamora told him that she would kill herself or leave him if he did not kill Jones. Zamora's mother and a male friend stood in for the imprisoned couple in the county's first proxy marriage, which was performed by a judge in San Antonio. Is swearing allegiance based on a true story? When was David Lighty born? Heather disappeared in April, 2013. The couple wrote confessions to cops. Adrianne Jessica Jones was born in Mansfield, Texas, in June 1979. I start with the simple fact of killing Adrianne and everything that surrounded that, Graham said. On all of the shows, the Zamoras have sounded a consistent theme: "Our Diane is not a killer." A Tarrant County, Texas, jury ruled otherwise last week. Graham and Zamora were convicted of Adriannes murder in the 90s and have spent two decades behind bars where they will remain at least until they are eligible for parole in 2036. 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